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Essentially, as the century is moving towards the age of Big data, the requirement for storage of data arises. Data storage was a big problem concerning industrial enterprises until several days back when Hadoop and other such frameworks came to the rescue. After this problem was solved, focus shifted to the problem of the processing of this stored data. Data science is a answer to this problem of data processing.

Data science in its very brief form is the science of drawing out insights and information out of raw data using a mixture of various tools, algorithms, and machine learning principles. This art of driving out insights from raw data has been flourishing since ancient times when the Egyptians used census data to improve tax collection efficiency and predict the flooding of the Nile river every year. The main difference is, with time, data got big which Big data needs Data science to draw meaning and uncover patterns out of it. This Big data acquires its importance in this particular modern era from its potential of helping companies in improving their operations and making considerably faster and intelligent decisions.

Big data is on the rise and so will be the requirement for professionals with skills. The training enables folk to pursue an intriguing career as a Data Scientist. To analyze largely complicate data requires trained in the use of sophisticated data analysis tools, like SQL or Python or R. The training empowers the person in data management technologies like Hadoop, R, Flume, Sqoop, Machine learning, Mahout Etc and prepares them for the growing demand of Big data skills and technologies. Expertise in skills like Programming Skills: R/Python, Java, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Working Knowledge of Hadoop and Spark, Databases: SQL and NoSQL, Machine learning and Neutral networks, Proficiency in deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch, and Creative Thinking & Industry Knowledge guarantees one a better and competitive career.

Job opportunities created by Big data won't only pay handsome salaries when compared to other IT jobs, but are spread across leading industries of the world. The training enables you to sign up for various data science job titles like Administrators, Architects, Visualizers, Engineers, Ecologists and also the exciting salary these titles offer.

The marketplace for Data jobs is growing with Top Fortune Companies like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, StumbleUpon, PayPal, to name a few, looking for Data science experts. The instruction armors you with the required skills and knowledge in a profession with a big job vacancy. Big Data is a road on which we are still nowhere near the end, which guarantees a long and successful career in Big data.

The different educational institute offers training programs and certifications in Data Science courses allowing individuals to pursue a bright profession as a Data Science expert. With the ever-growing influence of Big data across all industries, the sky will be the limit of such professionals. Healthcare, Banking & Finance, Retail, Chemical, Agriculture, Media, E-Commerce, Manufacturing are among-the few industries that are now demanding online data science course (use here) Science experts.